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    At Elite Academy of Fencing (EAF), we are passionate about promoting the sport of fencing to the broader community. Our efforts have gained attention from various media outlets, highlighting our contributions to fencing development, community engagement, and the growing popularity of the sport in Hong Kong.

    📺 📰 🎙️ Explore our media coverage below!

    TV Interviews & Features


    Coverage on Hong Kong’s growing interest in fencing after Olympic success

    凝聚香港 - 玩樂好去處 - 奧米打劍擊

    Spotlight on fencing as an exciting, family-friendly activity


    Coach Alan shares the values and growth of EAF with the RTHK audience

    News Articles

    張家朗、江旻憓巴黎奧運奪金:揭開香港劍擊從殖民地貴族運動到世界第一的崛起之路 - BBC中文

    BBC’s coverage of Hong Kong’s journey to international fencing success.


    Coach Alan interview by BBC Chinese

    巴黎奧運︱金牌效應掀劍擊熱 個個想做張家朗2.0?學生稱打劍刺激過打機 家長憂難搵食! - 星島頭條

    Insights into the popularity of fencing among young students


    News report of EAF

    Event Highlights

    大埔職業博覽會 | Coach Alan’s Insights

    Coach Alan shares his experience as a fencing coach and youth mentor